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Punishment #6: Advanced Level Spankings

Before we get started with advanced level spankings, we’d like to preface this post with a few things.  If you happen to be a first time visitor to this website and are looking into a domestic discipline relationship/marriage, please read the explanation of domestic discipline first, and read over the earlier posts on this website to get a better understanding of what exactly it is before jumping right into spankings.

Second, if you’re new to the spanking concept, please start by reading the beginner level spankings entry.  If you jump right into this advanced level spanking from the start,  chances are things would go wrong and there is a strong possibility you and your partner would do it incorrectly.  This spanking stuff is complicated, and it’s very important it be done correctly.

Lastly we’d just like to say that there is no rush when it comes to escalating spankings to the advanced level.  If you feel you and your partner are not ready to escalate the spankings yet, then don’t.  If you’re currently doing intermediate level spankings and are happy with the results, there’s no need to escalate the spankings to the advanced level.  If you’re currently doing intermediate level spankings and you’re finding yourself having to spank rather frequently (2-3 times a week or so), then we would recommend advancing to advanced level spankings.

We had a lot to preface this post with, but we felt it was all important.  Now that we have all that out of the way, let’s get started with the advanced level spankings and how we recommend they be done with a step-by-step breakdown.

The following is a recommended guideline to be used as a template on how to appropriately and safely administer a punishment spanking:

Steps 1-5 are exactly the same as beginner level spankings.  Click that link to go over them.

Steps 6-8 are exactly the same as intermediate level spankings.  Click that link to go over them.

Step 9: After the five minute “break” (two minutes of rubbing, three minutes of the submissive partner being left alone to think about their behavior), the submissive partner should get back into spanking position, and the head of the household (HoH) should spank again the same way (same implement, alternating cheeks with each strike, etc.).  The point of reference on the number of strikes is recommended to be about 20 again, adjusting that number based on the submissive partner’s behavior and the implement used.  In step 8 we recommend the HoH use about 1/3 – 1/2 of their strength, but on this second set of swats we recommend the the HoH strike using between 1/2 – 3/4 of their strength.  This is where the spanking gets much more intense than the intermediate level spanking, and thus more effective long term.

Step 10: Break #2.  We recommend this break be done exactly the same way as the first one.  Check step #8 of the intermediate level spankings post on how we recommend this break be done.

Step 11:  After the five minute “break” (two minutes of rubbing, three minutes of the submissive partner being left alone to think about their behavior), the submissive partner is recommended to get back into spanking position, and the HoH is recommended to spank one last time, again alternating cheeks with each strike.  For this last set of strikes, we recommend between 6-10 strikes, with a wooden paddle, with the strikes being very very hard.  At LEAST 3/4 strength,  It is very very intense, and very very painful for the submissive partner.  This last set of strikes is difficult, but extremely important to get the behavior corrected long term.

Steps 12-15 are exactly the same as steps 10-13 of intermediate level spankings.  Click that link to go over them.

The advanced level spankings are not for the faint of heart.  Only experienced couples within a domestic discipline relationship/marriage should be spanking this way.  Do NOT jump right into spanking this way if you and your partner  are beginners.  We cannot stress that enough.

All steps are important, but perhaps the most important step in this entire spanking is the warm up spanking.  Do NOT overlook or forget to do the warm up spanking.  The warm up spanking is what assures there will be no bruising.

After conducting an advanced level spanking, a couple shouldn’t have to go through a punishment spanking situation again for quite a while.  It’s such a painful experience for the submissive partner that it will be very effective.   Look at it this way – doing advanced level spankings a handful of times a year is much better than doing intermediate level spankings a handful of times a month.  That’s the point of domestic discipline relationships.  To get problematic behavior corrected long term.  Advanced level spankings will ensure that happens.

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