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Bare Bottom Spanking For the First Time

You know the saying “you don’t know how good you have something until it’s gone?” Well, that saying totally applies to this next story.

See, when Clint and I first started domestic discipline (and, actually, for a while after that), spankings were conducted over the clothes. Clint said he didn’t see the need to spank bare bottom (and, obviously, I agreed). I’d heard through friends, and read on blogs, that bare bottom spankings were “the norm” around the domestic discipline community, so a part of me thought it would only be a matter of time before Clint tried one (just to see what all the hype was about). And, I was right.

Several years into us practicing domestic discipline, I was getting spanked for not wearing my seat belt (whoops!) and, all the sudden, something felt different. Actually, from the beginning, the entire spanking felt different.The method we usually used at that time (which was similar to the advanced spanking method) seemed to fly out the window the second I bent over the bed. I immediately wondered what was up (and instantly thought man, I must have really screwed up this time!) but soon found out that, while the mistake definitely fell in the “major mistakes” category, my husband was just changing things up (as we do from time to time) and a part of that was a new method which we now refer to as blended spankings.

Anyway, so we headed up to our bedroom (where we conduct pretty much all spankings) and all the sudden the phrase “take down your pants please” comes out of his mouth. I’ll never forget that, and now, over a year later, it still doesn’t get any easier to hear.

After realizing that the days of being spanked over the clothes had flew out the window, I complied, and the spanking began. He started with a warm-up and I could immediately begin to feel the difference between being spanked over the clothing, and being spanked bare bottom. Let me just say that getting spanked bare is actually surprisingly worse (like, worse than you would think..) as opposed to getting spanked over the clothes, particularly when the wooden spoon is involved. Each swat stings so much worse. Shortly after the warm-up (and a brief lecture), the spanking began. It was intense, long (although still shorter than being spanked over the clothes), and definitely drove the point home.

I learned a lot through that spanking, more so than I have learned from any spanking prior to that. It’s been a year now, and it’s amazing to me how well both blended spankings, and bare bottom spankings really do work (as much as it sucks to admit that). The entire spanking felt more “real” (as odd as that sounds) and it also really tested my submission.

Most (actually, all) spankings since then I’ve remembered that saying that you never know how good you have it until it’s gone. As much as I didn’t like being spanked over the clothes, bare bottom is way worse. We’ve even managed to transition from just “major spankings” being bare bottomed, to pretty much everything (stress relief, warning swats, you name it). The days of being spanked over the clothing officially ended about a year ago and I’m still adjusting to being spanked bare..but as most in domestic discipline say- it can all be avoided. :)

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