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The # 1 Rule


Sorry this is up one day later than usual, everyone. We’re officially right in the middle of moving. We’re moving to an entirely new city, hours away from where we live now, to a new house, new neighborhood, new everything. To say we’re stressed and nervous would be an understatement. But, we’re also really excited. Our new house is seriously perfect and I tell Clint all the time that I wish I could fast forward a few weeks to when we’re all moved in, boxes are unpacked, and this moving process is over. Unfortunately though, we’re right in the middle of it, which means, unfortunately, our readers are as well. Posts may not go up on schedule this next week because of all the chaos but we’ll do what I can. I’m hoping that this time next week we’ll be blogging from our new house!

Aside from moving, things have been going well lately. I think Clint mentioned it in the latest Five Things entry that he wrote (thanks babe!) but in case you missed it, we did do a stress relief spanking recently (sometime last week) and I think that really helped us both to reset. Besides that stress relief spanking, I haven’t been spanked in quite awhile, and I’m hoping to keep that streak going. I asked Clint the other day if he thinks I can go the entire time we live in our new house (likely 2 years before our new home is built) without getting spanked – he said no, but I still think I’m going to give it a try. :)

If I’m really going to attempt to go 2 years (or however long we end up living there – could be a little bit longer, I suppose) without getting spanked, the hardest part is definitely going to be following our “#1 rule”, which is pretty much everything car-related. No speeding, no texting while driving, just drive safe overall – things like that. It’s really no secret that texting while driving is a big issue to Clint, probably because the media lets you know every single day how dangerous it can be, how many wrecks are caused by it, etc. There are even giant, neon flashing signs all throughout North Carolina interstates that remind you that texting while driving is illegal. And, I get it, I really do, but I still slip up from time to time and it sucks that I do because that’s one of the biggest (actually probably the biggest rule that we have).

When we first started domestic discipline, we didn’t have many rules surrounding the car. Wear your seat belt, and be safe. Our top rules, at that time, were different and texting while driving was something that neither Clint, nor I, really cared about. But, things changed a few years into domestic discipline, and now it’s a top rule – no texting, no speeding, always wear your seatbelt, obey all traffic laws – and, truth be told, I’m not really sure what the turning point was. There was no giant car accident caused by me texting while driving or something that led to this rule being implemented. There was no speeding ticket, or anything like that. It was likely due to the increased number of stories you hear about car accidents. But, nevertheless, it’s a rule – and an important one. I used to text while driving nearly every single time I got in the car (bad, I know). Thanks to domestic discipline, and Clint’s increased “strictness” (I guess is the right word?) about the rule, it’s gone down to maybe a few times a year, if that. I also make sure to wear my seat belt at all times now (something that has been an issue in the past) and I haven’t gotten a speeding ticket since…well, a long time ago.

So, with all that being said, that’s my goal. Not get spanked for the entire duration that we live in our new house (hey, maybe we won’t even need to pack the implements up!). Don’t text while driving, watch the speed limit, and follow the other rules we have as well – those are the keys. Do I think I can do it? Probably. And the fact that no one else seems to think I can is just all the more motivation. :)

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